Jul 15, 2024

SAP Basis Basics Part 16

Configuring the Automated Upgrade Behavior of SAP Host Agent

1.) You can configure the automated upgrade behavior by adapting the host_profile file which you can find in the following directory: /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe
- By default, the saphostexec program performs a check for updates every 5 minutes. You can change this behavior by adapting profile value hostexec/autoupgrade_delay= <minutes> .
- In addition, you can also change the name and path of the directory that contains the newest SAP Host Agent version using profile value DIR_NEW= <path to a directory> .
2.) Once you have changed the SAP Host Agent profile, you need to restart SAP Host Agent in order to make the changes take effect:
Change to the directory of the saphostexec executable: /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe and run the following command to restart SAP Host Agent: ./saphostexec -restart

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